

"胗"读音zhěn,笔画数12笔。 部首笔画 偏旁:月 部外笔画:6 总笔画数:12笔 五笔86&98:VQTB 仓颉:PONI 四角号码:47747 Unicode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5BA0 基本字义 鸟胃的一部分,俗称“鸡肫”、“鸡肫皮”:“鸡~里长虫子了!” 中医切脉的地方:“把~一按,三关六部都在里头了呢!” 古书上说的一种鸡雏的嫩肉:“烧羊、烤鹅、酱鸭~儿。” 中医指消化不良,肚腹疼痛:“这病是食积不消,~疼。” 方言集汇 粤语:zoen3 zoeng3 潮州话:ji3 ji5(文) ..... 英语:gizzard 德语:Gesicht 法语 :Grosse-cheville


名词 n. [C] 1.(禽类的)胃。 2.胃囊;嗉囊。

动词 v. t. [T] 1.把…切成块或片装。 2.用牙和爪磨碎(食物)。 不及物动词 vi. [U] 1.吞食,咽下。 2.(胃等)蠕动;(肠子等)打结。 第三者介词 prep. [AD] 1.关于;对于[O][B](用于表示身体部位的形容词之后) I got a stomachache from that disgusting food you gave me. 你给我的那种恶心的食物把我吃坏了,我肚子痛。 I'm afraid he won't be able to give us any information. 我们恐怕得亲自去请教他了,他可能知道些情况。


鸡肫皮 girdle of chicken 鸡肫草 gizzardwort 鸡肫黄 gizzahud 鸡肫气 gizzonk 鸡肫皮粉 gizzard powder 鸡肫皮膏 gizzard paste 鸡肫内 gizderne 鸡肫外 gidzerwe


1.The gizzard is found in the middle of the abdominal cavity, just behind the esophagus and before the intestines. 位于腹腔中央,在食管的后面并紧靠着小肠。

2.Insects are often trapped by the gizzard or tongue of their prey. 昆虫常被其猎物的嗉囊或舌头所捕获。

3.If there are foreign bodies lodged in the gizzard, they should be removed surgically with a scope. 如果有异物卡在嗉囊中,可用内窥镜将其外科取出。

4.A man can outlive his money but not his reputation; he cannot take his good name to his grave with him as his priceless possession like a pearl of great price, for it will follow him wherever he goes, even into that mysterious land where death has power over all. A good name may be thought of as being of more value than riches and having a sort of immortal life. 一个人的名声可以胜过钱财,名誉是他最宝贵的财产,犹如一颗价值连城的珍珠,无论走到哪里都令人瞩目,甚至进入死亡的神秘国度,死亡对所有的生灵都有权支配,但对名声却无可奈何。好的名誉似乎比金钱更有用,似乎能永世流传。


“胗”字属火,因为五行中只有火的颜色为红色。 中医把食物分为金、木、水、火、土五类属性,其中金的色彩是白色和杏黄色(浅黄色);水的色彩是黑色和蓝色;火的色彩是红色;木的颜色是绿色或青绿色;土的颜色应是黄褐色。这是按照古人观察到的自然界事物的颜色为依据而定的。 根据这个原则分析判断,可以知道人体各部位的色彩也是相应的:头面颈部属火,腰腹部属土,四肢属金。皮肤色黑属水,肤白属木。
